29 November 2011

Zombie with Mo-Hawk

Here's a flouro zombie. He was made with highlighter and artline felt tip pen.
He has a mo-hawk and he is looking out of frame at something of which i am not sure.
It seems to be of interest to this particular zombie as he seems to be going 'oooh' or maybe even whistling.
Maybe he saw a hot zombie babe and he is performing the classic fox whistle.
See you next time.

26 November 2011

Six Round Zombie Heads

This is a painting of six round zombie heads.
They are round like an orange or a bowling ball.
Some are happy, some are sad, some are tired and some are bad,
some are whistling and some are poking their tongue out and one of them has a mo-hawk.
Their teeth are sharp and i wouldn't like to meet them in the dark.
See you next time.

15 November 2011

Peace is in our Hands

This is my hand after it was contaminated by radioactive toxic sludge.
Nah just joking, but seriously it was actually my hand when I became exceedingly angry in my car because the other drivers drove in front of me really slow and I turned into the Incredible Hulk.
Nah just joking again, it was actually my hand when I formed the peace sign and then drew and painted it in colours that my hand normally does not appear in. That's the honest truth.
The peace sign is silent but effective and I sometimes form and display it when I see someone I know and I want to do something different than the standard 4 fingered plus 1 thumbed wave.
You should try it sometime, it could be your new thaang!!
See you next time.

12 November 2011

Death From Above

This is an artwork of a Perigrin Falcon. They are silent killers.
They are awesome hunters and have the ability to shoot laser beams from their eyes.
They prey on other birds like ducks, pheasants and pigeons and even bats. They usually always attack in mid flight by a kick to the face.
Sometimes they kill by shooting laser beams from their eyes. They do this when they don't feel like kicking and when they want a warm meal.
They fly damn fast too. They can travel up to 320 kilometers per hour when in a dive bomb.
They live on every continent in the world except Antarctica. It's probably too cold for them there.
Some falcons travel 15,000 kilometers per year and like to go back to their own nest. Some nests have been in use for hundreds of years and are occupied by successive generations of falcons. How cool is that!
See you next time.

09 November 2011

Green and Pink Stripey Frog

Here's a frog.
I drew him with highlighter and art-line felt tip pen.
He has a green torso and pink legs, arms, feet, hands and eye.
He's got lots of stripes and patterns on him.
Here's an acrostic poem:

Fun. Frogs must have heaps of fun because they are really good at jumping. Pearl has lots of fun jumping and she can't even jump very high. Imagine if you could jump as good as a frog. You would be like some kind of super hero. Maybe you would be called the Frog-Man.
Running. Frog's can't run but this is compensated by their excellent jumping ability. See above.
Only male frogs can croak. Some frogs can whistle and some can chirp like a bird.
Goliath Frog. This type of frog is the biggest frog in the world and can grow up to 3 feet long when stretched out. See a pic here.
See you next time.

05 November 2011

Stripes of a colour stick together

This is a painting on canvas with acrylic paint and posca.
There are nine stripes under-girding this piece and 9 eye balls looking on in an indifferent gaze.
They are varied in colour.
I submitted this to Illustration Friday's current topic of "Stripes".
See you next time.
- Mulga