© Mulga 2012, Gregory the Green Gorilla, Ink and food dye on Paper, 15 x 21 cm
Prints available at http://meylah.com/MulgaTheArtist
An Ode to Gregory the Green Gorilla
Gregory is green, Gregory is mean
Gregory don't participate in no team
This largish ape with a scowl on his face
Has hands as powerful as a largish mace
And not the kind that you spray
But the kind that when you see it you run away
Gregory the Gorilla is the jealous type
And his emotions manifest on the fur on his hind
Bright green like a chameleon on a banana so unripe
So stay away from his girl lest he turn unkind
Thus goes the tale of Gregory the Green Gorilla
Sometimes as frightening as the Mr Godzilla
The End